Fogle Family Farm

Explore the Superior Quality and Nutritional Bounty of Aronia Berries Today!

Our Immune Builder is a unique blend of certified organic Aronia Berries

Our customers call it the “Magic Juice”!

Freeze Dried Organic Aronia Berries from our family to yours.

Organically grown in Iowa on family farms, minimally processed, just pure whole Aronia.

also known as chokeberries, are small dark-purple fruits rich in antioxidants and nutrients, prized for their tart flavor and potential health benefits.

  • Health Benefits: Discuss the health benefits of aronia berries, including their potent antioxidant properties, immune system support, and positive impact on cardiovascular health.
  • Culinary Uses: Explore how aronia berries can be used in various culinary applications, such as smoothies, jams, juices, and a variety of recipes. You can share recipes or suggest combinations with other ingredients to create delicious and nutritious dishes.
  • Selection and Storage: Provide information on how to select and store aronia berries for optimal freshness and quality. You can share tips on selecting ripe fruit, long-term storage methods, and how to use frozen or dried aronia berries.

Aronia berries, also known as chokeberries, are highly nutritious, small dark berries noted for their rich antioxidant properties.

As we prepare for a new year and all those resolutions that follow, know how proud we are to share our healthy items with more people

Antioxidant Lemonade is our favorite.  The granddaughters make it all the time!

A2 goat whey, like other forms of whey protein, provides a range of nutrients and potential health benefits.

Good question!  There are numerous ways to use the Organic Aronia Powder.  Let me share a few of our favorites.

If you’ve ever wondered what Aronia berries are or how to use them, we’ve got you covered on You Tube at Fogle Family Farm.