Explore the Superior Quality and Nutritional Bounty of Aronia Berries Today!
Our Immune Builder is a unique blend of certified organic Aronia Berries
Organically grown in Iowa on family farms, minimally processed, just pure whole Aronia.
also known as chokeberries, are small dark-purple fruits rich in antioxidants and nutrients, prized for their tart flavor and potential health benefits.
where we feature the most engaging and beloved articles from our blog
Aronia berries, also known as chokeberries, are highly nutritious, small dark berries noted for their rich antioxidant properties.
As we prepare for a new year and all those resolutions that follow, know how proud we are to share our healthy items with more people
Antioxidant Lemonade is our favorite. The granddaughters make it all the time!
A2 goat whey, like other forms of whey protein, provides a range of nutrients and potential health benefits.
Good question! There are numerous ways to use the Organic Aronia Powder. Let me share a few of our favorites.
If you’ve ever wondered what Aronia berries are or how to use them, we’ve got you covered on You Tube at Fogle Family Farm.
As Fall appears, interest has grown in Aronia. The products we have are an important part to help folks stay well.
We ship frozen berries back East to a gentleman who uses the berries. He seemed genuinely surprised when we recently talked because “I didn’t get sick last year, like at all!” My response is, “I know, neither do we.”
A customer today told me she and her husband have purple smoothies every day. Why? “We just feel better.”
A young man has shared his love for our Aronia berries with his sister and mother. Why? “They make such a difference.”
Another middle-aged gentleman won’t be without them because he feels they help decrease the inflammation in his body.
An older couple fighting diabetes symptoms showed improvement at a doctor’s visit. The doctor told them “I don’t know what you’re doing, but keep it up!” They’ve increased their dosage!
We have shared Aronia with physicians who now use the berries. Yet, many folks do not believe in the power of food as medicine. I’m just glad we can help those who do have open minds and look to nature to heal our bodies! It sure makes pulling weeds and cutting out volunteer trees so much easier on our part.