Fogle Family Farm

New Year, New Habits

As we prepare for a new year and all those resolutions that follow, know how proud we are to share our healthy items with more people.

Being a wife, grandmother, mother, part-time secretary and busy volunteer, I have fit Aronia in around everything else.  Not because we don’t believe in the healthy benefits, but because I’ve been trying to learn to create our own website, build out the blogs, sell berries, stock shelves, educate others, and cooperate to grow the business.   I think now I have all the pieces working together to really make a push for Aronia.  Know too, you can always contact and I will help you decide what is right for you if you have questions.

Several years ago I was given an award by the Midwest Aronia Association as the “Top Promoter of Aronia”.   I’m still trying to promote Aronia.  Folks in the midwest and Poland may know of the health benefits of Aronia, but we have a long way to go to educate others and get their hands on products to try.  If an ad brought you here, please take a few minutes to look around and maybe bookmark our page.

We have products on our store page but I often hear,  “What do you do with some of those products?”  It’s a very common question.  For example, today I had the A2 Chocolate Aronia Immune Builder on my cereal.  I find that if I do that, have it in chocolate almond milk or make a smoothie with it, I have a much more “regular” day.  As someone who deals with IBS, this is huge for me.  Sometimes I get lazy and don’t use the Immune Builder and guess what, symptoms return and I chastise myself for not treating myself better.  Many others use the Immune Builder for different reasons.   I’ll be adding more about that later.

The other night I had a scratchy throat – not uncommon for December in Iowa with all the viruses going around.  I used the Elderberry Aronia Immune Syrup and had a glass of orange juice with Aronia powder in it.  Same products used the next day, guess what – no sore throat or anything!  Honestly this stuff works!  I have friends who would love the Elderberry Immune Syrup with Aronia by the gallon.

Because we’ve always had berries at our fingertips, I cook with berries all the time, right now we have Aronia Berry Chocolate Chip cookies in the cookie jar.   I’ve included them in smoothies, salads, meatloaf, soups, pancakes and all the baked goods you can imagine.  Why not get a nutritional boost daily.  I have included several recipes at our farm blog page

The freeze dried berries are good in oatmeal or overnight oats, granola bars, yogurt and Woody’s favorite – covered in chocolate.  It may look like a peanut cluster, but around here, it’s an Aronia Cluster.  They’re wonderful!

I am going to be including Aronia even more this year in new places.  Not to just sell more, but to try to help others live healthier lives naturally. I hope you give it a try!